Thursday, April 25, 2013

Miam, des macarons !

Coucou !

Je vais faire mon post en français aujourd'hui parce que c'est tout simplement plus facile pour moi.
Je vous présente donc une recette assez simple que vous pouvez faire avec vos enfants.
Je ne sais pas si vous connaissez Crudessence, mais j'adore tous ce qu'ils font ! Je n'aime pas tellement cuisiner, car je suis paresseuse, mais j'aime particulièrement les choses qui se font aisément et qui goûtent bon aussi. En passant, la recette est plutôt un dessert... Moi j'en mange n'importe quand. Pour plus d'information, vous pouvez aller voir leur site internet concernant leur restaurants, comptoirs santé, service de traiteur ainsi que vous pouvez acheter leur livre, ça vaut la peine :)

Macarons au cacao

Préparation : 20 minutes
Donne : 20 macarons 
Ustensile : Robot Culinaire

70 G de noix du Brésil
180 G de noix de coco râpée
130 G de pâte de dattes (je vais écrire la recette plus bas)
1 C. à soupe de Nectar d'agave
1/8 C. à café de sel de mer
30 G de poudre de cacao
1/2 C. à café d'essence de vanille sans alcool

 J'aime utiliser une balance pour mesurer mes ingrédients, c'est beaucoup plus précis ! 

Au robot culinaire, réduire les noix du Brésil et la moitié de la noix de coco râpée en beurre, le plus crémeux possible.

Ajouter tous les autres ingrédients, et mélanger pendant quelques minutes. On veut un mélange uniforme, mais non liquide.

Verser ce mélange dans un bol et incorporer, à la main, le reste de la noix de coco râpée. Il s'agit de bien malaxer le tout pour obtenir une pâte noire, collante et très malléable.

Les rouler entre les paumes de la main pour faire de beaux macarons bien ronds.

Se conserve 1 mois au réfrigérateur, dans un contenant hermétique, ou 4 mois au congélateur.

Pâte de dattes
Trempage : 2 heures
Préparation :20 minutes
Donne : 850 G
Ustensile : Robot culinaire

500 G de dattes fraîches ou séchées, dénoyautées
360 ML d'eau

Dans un contenant, recouvrir les dattes d'eau et laisser tremper 2 heures. Bien écraser pour que toutes les dattes trempent. Recouvrir d'un poids si nécéssaire.
Une fois les dattes bien ramollies, les passer avec leur eau de trempage au robot culinaire et mélanger jusqu'à l'obtention d'une pâte uniforme, collante et le plus lisse possible.

Se conserve 3 mois au réfrigérateur
Faites-en, c'est vraiment bon !
Miko adore ça et le dino aussi...

Bonne journée !

Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Earth day !

Today were celebrating earth. I think that we should be very grateful for this wonderful, mysterious and fragile ball of energy ! Sometimes we forget that we have to take care of it, we think about ourselves,we buy and buy and buy, we build alot of unnecessary things, we waste food and throw away too much stuff ! If we don't love and respect mother earth a little more, she will not survive nor will we. One can live without buying constantly things that he/she doesn't need, one can re-use/recycle, one can buy local foods/products, one can love and cherish earth as it is. Please take a little moment today to think about what you can change on a daily basis to help our planet and do it! even if it's small, it starts from there. I will personally try to recycle more and waste less. We really have to learn that less is more :)

Have a great earth day !

P.s The picture is my eldest, Loik two years ago with a butterfly.

Friday, April 19, 2013

This week

I haven't posted anything this week. I am not sure why, but I guess I have been pretty busy.
Spring is really kicking in and I think that everyone I know (including me) is waking up from hibernation. The kids are playing in the mud, roller-blading, biking etc... Life is good. I am also very excited because the market in our area is going to open next month! Alot of nice fresh local organic food, plants, soaps and more ! Can't wait :)

 This morning we made play-doe. Saule helped with mixing and putting the ingredients in the bole.
 My eldest (Loik) wanted to dye eggs ! So he did everything by himself... He looked in a book for directions, did a hole in both ends and got the stuff out. For color, I helped him. His getting so big this little man. He starts school in september... SCHOOL? What? Already? Pretty crazy! I can't say that I am not happy about it, because I am... haha ! I guess that even if I will miss him, I will enjoy being with the other two kids at home, it will be a good break for mama... :)
My man also played some music with the kids outside this afternoon. So much fun ! The kids really enjoy playing with tam-tams and listening to his weird songs. We love spring !!!

Here are some pictures from this week :

Have a nice day. Hope that your enjoying spring :)

Friday, April 12, 2013

Video love

Hi folks!

I am sorry again that I haven't been posting all that much. I haven't got my lens yet and it's the only way for me to take pictures. I still have lots of fun posts coming up very soon :) But I cannot do anything that involves pictures until I receive my lens !!! (in a couple of weeks I think)

I still have a wonderful video too share with you that I often watch and love.


Artist : Bat for lashes
Song : What's a girl to do
P.s It's snowing here!! What?? It's supposed to be spring time!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Spring time is here and were loving it !!!

I am very sorry that I haven't been posting anything on this blog for a while, but "blogger" had a little problem and I couldn't save or do any posts. A lot of stuff happened since then and I dunno where to start ! ;)

The lens of my camera is broken, so I don't have any recent pictures, but I have some from a couple weeks ago. We went to St-Anne's. The kids touched everything they could, talked to anyone they felt like and had some fun beside the water. Here are some pictures of our day :

Sleeping Miko

Staring at the water


Always throwing stuff in the water

My family :)

Always taking off her boots!!

Just hanging there...

Sitting on the side walk to touch a dog :)

Looking at a truck

Throwing a snow ball

Always climbing

Saule being so cute

Saule taking some sun, hehe

Very cute stuffed animals at this cute organic store

Looking at a book

Reality while shopping with a toddler...

Love him

Love him even more

 Look mom, take a picture of me with some salt... haha

My cuties

They love dogs !!

I will try to post  "One picture a week..." soon.
 Maybe I will borrow a camera from a friend.
Loik started pre-school. He only goes 2 days a week, but it's enough ! He really loves it :)
I will be posting some stuff about pre-school and about Montessori.
Have a good week !!!