Thursday, February 28, 2013

Music love

I have been totally in love with this band.
Everything is perfect about this song.
I even danced a couple of times on my kitchen table while listening to it.
I think that once a week, I will be posting one music video that gives me the chills and make it a little series. Have a nice snow day ! xx

Music : Beirut
Song : The rip tide

Friday, February 22, 2013


Je fais ce "post" en français, c'est beaucoup plus facile pour moi !
Je vous dis honnêtement que je n'aime pas cuisiner. J'aime la bonne bouffe, j'aime bien manger, mais je n'aime pas le faire. C'est peut-être parce qu'à chaque fois que je me met à cuisiner, mes enfants se chicanent ou ils décident de venir m'aider et ne me laisse pas de place pour couper mes légumes. Hmm... Ahhh la vie de maman :) Bref, il faut quand même que je fasse à manger ! Je vous prepose donc une recette de salade que j'aime beaucoup. Ce n'est pas moi qui l'a inventé par contre, ça vient d'un blogue qui s'appelle :
Bon weeked xx

1 gros brocoli coupé très finement 1/2 tasse d'amandes effilées (je les fait rôtir avant)
1/3 tasse de canneberges
1/2 petit oignon rouge ou 1 échalotte française

1/2 tasse de babeurre (j'utilise du lait avec une cuillère à soupe de vinaigre blanc quand je n'ai pas de babeurre)
1/2 tasse de mayonnaise
2 c à soupe de vinaigre de cidre ( je prends celui aux pommes)
1/2 c à soupe de sucre
3 c à soupe de d'échalottes coupées finement

Voilà on mélange la vinaigrette qu'on verse sur les autres ingrédients.

Bon appétit !

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Hello's! We have been hibernating I guess, because my kids don't really want to play outside all that much. So, my man, Phil, has been playing alot of music. He loves playing the guitar, he sings along with weird "on the moment" lyrics. It's pretty funny and the kids are really into it. Especially Miko (the 2 year old). So here are some pictures of guitar playing fun. Please excuse Phil and he's very cool get up. Have a great snow day ! xo


Saturday, February 16, 2013

Enjoying alone time

Well, my kids are away for a couple of hours (thank god. i love them, but a mom has to get a break)
and I have been doing boring stuff, like cleaning and laundry... I decided to veg now in my bed watching a movie, but this dinosaur keeps getting in my way! He probably wanted to spend some time with the redhead ;)
This is a very random post, but I have lot's of fun stuff coming up. I will try to post some fun crafts  and activities that we have been doing as a family this week. I also have a yummy recipe that I want to share. It's actually not me that came up with it, but it's soooo good !
Have a great weekend ! xo

Thursday, February 14, 2013

House love

I decided to take pictures of houses that I love and make a little series, just because it's fun and I love visiting houses. I will try to visit a new house every now and then and post pictures that inspire me !

I went to visit my friend Anne yesterday and her little house is SO cute . We had a nice lunch and went for a walk outside with her dogs. Oh and we did a little "wall yoga". Saule (my 3 1/2 year old daughter) was really good. Here are some pictures of our day... Enjoy xx

Friday, February 8, 2013

First post

I am a little bit nervous writing my first post ! ;)
This blog is about my simple life with my little ones. There will be a lot of pictures. Stories. Bits and pieces of my everyday life. Sometimes I will do posts in french and I am sure that my man will want to do some writing as well. So... Have fun !