So, 2014 is looking great !
Most people have resolutions for the new year. I usually don't. Maybe because I'm lazy or maybe because I think that my life is perfect. Well, it's not and I need to get more organised!!
I am super motivated and I would like to share with you what I have been up too :
-I write on my blackboard every meal for the week including weekends! I make sure that we have everything we need to eat for the week in the fridge on sunday, so that I don't need to go to the supermarket 10 times. Way more easier! I even prepared supper for tonight this morning! Like common, this is great ! :)
I usually don't really know what I am cooking 1h before lunch or supper time so I get a little stressed out and the kids get a little crazy as well. It's not healthy. If I'm stressed, the kids are too and we don't want that, right? I really hope that I will continue this way because it's better for our family.
-I cleaned out the kids toys! I love doing this, but the kids don't since I give away toys that they don't play with. They get mad and say that they really need those toys. Ahh, kids. Gotta love them. Anyways, I changed the way I put my Ikea expedit shelving unit and I love it.
-I started to plaster holes in my living room. I really want to paint my walls in white. It will get done before this summer hopefully! :-)
-I do laundry everyday and fold it when it's ready with the kids. I tend to fold clothes when the kids are sleeping... witch is fine, but I'm tired at that end of the day, so doing it during the day with the kids is better for us. Oh and the hubby helps me out as well ;)
-I found a daycare for my 2 1/2 year old. I will send him a couple days a week while I start my new part-time job. He's not really excited about it, he actually said that he will eat the kids, but I guess he will get used to it. I really need this, since my husband is doing physio everyday since he can't work due to back problems and he's trying to get better.
I also decided that my 2 older kids will go to camp this summer. Yep. I never really wanted them to go there, but they have a lot of friends that are going and I think it will really be good for them and for me.
Well, that's it for now. I think that we're going on the right track. I really hope that I will continue to get organised throughout the year. Yay!