Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Yellow's !

There's snow everywhere today. School's were closed and people stayed in...
But the snow didn't stop us because at 9h30 we were in the car and went to visit a "chocolaterie" in our area. They showed us how they make chocolate and we got to taste some as well. The kid's were pretty happy and Loik wanted to buy some with his own money. ;)
It's also a restaurant with very good food, I hear. I should really have a date night there sometime soon.
The weird thing is that the place is right beside my parent's house (like 2 houses down) and it's actually the first time I visit it ! I shall return soon, maybe the Easter bunny will make a little trip there...
My friend took some pictures of our visit :

Mmmm... I love chocolate !
P.s the only guy in one of the pictures (except the owner of the restaurant) is my lovely Philippe, isn't he cute?

Oh and I have a couple of pictures from around the house...

Miko has been obsessing over this doll and has been taking care of it for the past couple of days. It's really cute to see him in action. Phil has been playing alot of guitar and has been pretty sensitive...I guess writing a song is very emotional for him.

Have a wonderful week xo

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